By Lucas Hnath
Directed by Nancy Borgenicht
Scene Design by Erik Reichert
Costume Design by La Beene
Produced by Salt Lake Acting Company
Salt Lake City, Utah
Photography by dav.d daniels
"Matt Taylor (Lighting Design) grabs the audience from the first cue-the softly illuminated hallway, the dimmed chandelier, and the outside morning light coming into the room from a window off stage. It is perfect and subtle. The rest of the show continues in these same subtle patterns." - Jason Hagey and Alisha Hagey, Front Row Reviewers
"The production values are sumptuous.... The back wall includes projections of writing, with the names of the characters projected when their scenes arrive." - Daisy Blake, Gephardt Daily
"The lighting design too, by Matt Taylor, incorporates that feel of a painting, particularly when the door opens and closes." - Daisy Blake, Gephardt Daily